Faithful Man

On ancient paths of the everlasting way…

The Day of Fasting and Prayer

Today is the Day!

“A Million Women on the Mall’, a day of fasting and prayer for the children of our nation, takes place today in Washington, DC from 9am to 7pm. Women, and men, have been converging on DC for days. Praise God!

What are they hoping to save their children from? The demonic onslaught taking place in our halls of justice, our governments, our educational system, and our entertainment. Business and military are also compromised.

How did it get this way? The sins of our children’s parents and grandparents. Our sins.

A few facts about the day:

  • It can be viewed, streaming online all day. See, or look them up on Facebook / YouTube.
  • 40 other nations have organized similar events today in agreement with A Million Women!
  •  It’s telling to take note of those in important public positions, including churches, who know, or don’t know about the event, or know and don’t care.
  • Many of the participants at DC, as have many at home, began their fasts on the 9th. Pray for spiritual strength and protection from hardship.
  • Virtually all the participants traveled to DC from somewhere else. Pray for them, their families at home without them and the issues of their lives left temporarily unattended.
  • Ask for the presence of the King of Kings on the event, ask for MERCY from the Father as we repent, ask for deliverance from what we’ve brought on ourselves, ask for liberty, refreshing, and the power of the Holy Spirit to move the children of God forward on the earth in righteousness.
  • Ask for peace with God.
  • Pray everything the Holy Spirit lays on your heart.

Thank you for hearing His voice and responding. I have the best brothers and sisters a man could have.

The Lord bless you as you pray.