Faithful Man

On ancient paths of the everlasting way…

  • Day Three – Evening

    Day Three – Evening

    And the children of Israel cried out to the Lord, saying, “We have sinned against You, because we have both forsaken our God and served the Baals!” (Judges 10:10) Our position as intercessors tomorrow mirrors that of the children of Israel in the days of Abimelech. Our prayer should be similar: We have turned from…

  • Day Two – Evening

    Day Two – Evening

    “Woe to me!” I cried. “I am ruined! For I am a man of unclean lips, and I live among a people of unclean lips, and my eyes have seen the King, the Lord Almighty.” (Isaiah 6:5) Isaiah’s response to seeing the King, the Lord Almighty, is “Woe to me!” But not just woe to…

  • Day Two – Morning

    Day Two – Morning

    Faithful women in the hundreds of thousands are leaving the comfort of their homes, the care of their children, and their occupations to spend hard earned money journeying to steamy, crowded Washington DC to fast and pray…. with 999,000 other women! If that’s not revival it’ll have to do until revival comes along! While Lou…

  • Day One – Evening

    Day One – Evening

    My Bible opened to Isaiah 58 when I opened it to read this morning. First day of the fast. I can’t remember the last time my Bible opened to that Scripture. Pretty cool. Scripture says that if you delight yourself in the Lord, He will give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:4) I’m…

  • Day One: Morning

    Day One: Morning

    Today is the first day of the “Esther fast” in support of A Million Women fasting and praying on the mall in Washington, DC. The dramatic increase in immorality observed in American culture in recent history has compelled these faithful, believing women to take time off work and caring for their families to spend their hard earned…

  • Ain’t Finished Yet

    Apologies for the state of my blog. It is unfinished and unrefined, but I had something to say before finishing the painfully slow process of designing a simple blog. lol. Stay tuned…

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What’s the point?…

Three days before my thirtieth birthday I was injured while surfing fairly large waves (18′) at my home town of Manhattan Beach, CA. I had received twenty some odd stitches to the right side of my head next to my eye. While nursing my swollen, painful wound with a bottle of whiskey, a voice spoke to me out of thin air. After a short discussion, the voice told me to read my Bible, which I did. That is, once I’d gotten over thinking that I’d lost my mind, and discovered that I’d actually owned a Bible. My encounter with that Voice set me on an amazing journey of discovery which continues to this day. There are many others traveling the ancient paths, and there is much to learn with every step.

Along the way I discovered markers and pointers left by those who preceded me to save me and future followers time and to maximize our experience. The specifics of their journeys were personal and therefore unique, but the principles they learned and shared along the way were universal and thus applicable to all travelers for all time. I thought to add my own observations to theirs for the benefit of those who may follow after you and I.

Cherish each day knowing that your Heavenly Father is preparing you to dwell with Him forever. He cannot fail. Plus, He will cause all things to work together for your good. All things.

Look up for your redemption draws nearer with each step.

Stuart Gurnea

Follower of Jesus