Not long ago I wrote a piece called “Learn from Learners” in which I discussed how our recognition of Jesus in another individual opens an ongoing opportunity for us to receive spiritual gifts, wisdom, knowledge, blessings, and other things from Jesus that are carried within that person. Discerning the humanity of another; their sin, their shortcomings or character quirks is of little value. However, when we discern Christ in them the two of us become “two or more” where Jesus is now free to move between us to be who He is and do what he does.
Each such experience represents a repeatable occurrence with the potential for beneficial, edifying growth. My previous post informs this piece by describing and validating the basis of our expectations of the conferences we attend, the ministry we receive, or the time we spend with fellow followers of Jesus, like my friend, Jeffrey. When he confirmed that he and his wife would visit our home while visiting the U.S. this month, I became excited in my spirit for the reasons described in my previous post. However, as the days wore on before their arrival, I came to be excited for additional reasons.
Jeffrey and I share understandings of heritage and blessing that are widely held by contemporary Spirit-filled Believers. For example, I was saved when I was thirty and became a member of a Four Square (Pentecostal) Church. To me, that means the legacy of Amy Simple McPherson, the founder of the Four Square Church, is my inheritance. As is Jack Hayford’s legacy (dean of Life Bible College – a Four Square educational institution). Additionally, the little Four Square Church that I had attended left the Four Square organization and became a Vineyard Church. I was subsequently ordained a Vineyard Pastor July 7, of 1987. To my understanding, the legacy of John Wimber is also my heritage.
When I first attended Vinyard conferences or services, I expected to learn what Jesus had taught John Wimber. Over time, my expectation grew and matured beyond obtaining literary/factual education to receiving spiritual blessing. I didn’t simply desire to know what Wimber knew, I desired to carry what Wimber carried, which is Jesus. Jesus in Wimber looked different than Jesus in Stuart. It became my personal quest to find out why. Along the way I discovered that some of what John Wimber embodied as a follower of Jesus I also embodied. Somehow, bits and pieces had made their way to me through my pursuit of Jesus as embodied in John Wimber. I can ramble a little like Hayford, too *snort, snort*. I could mention more significant blessings, but to do so would be immodest as well as a digression from my reasons for posting this piece.
In praying about how to make the most of our week with Jeffrey and Carol while providing them an opportunity to relax and experience Texas hospitality, I became convinced that Jeffrey was bringing something from Jesus to us and, we had something from Jesus for Jeffrey, though I hadn’t the slightest idea what Jeffrey carried for us, or what we held for him. Still, my expectation increased. Then I heard, “What Jeffrey brings will remain and last.”
In the wake of their time with us, I’ve found myself trying to describe in words what seems to have remained. Jeffrey and I discussed the topic a little, but we never deliberately named or “exchanged” blessings, so to speak. We just hung together, shared, prayed, and laughed a lot. Nevertheless, something has remained, and I believe I’m understanding what it is in three words: power, perspective, and precision. If I haven’t worn you out already, please allow me to briefly present how these three words describe what remains, and what I believe it means to you and me.
Firstly, power was already with us. We carry the Holy Spirit and “minister in power” as some like to describe it. Still, power is manifested in a variety of manners which can be illuminated by comparing a shotgun’s firing pattern to that of a high-powered hunting rifle. They are both powerful, but one is extremely accurate and capable of hitting a very small target at long distance while the other can hit a large target at close distance. Using a shotgun to shoot a squirrel a hundred yards away is foolish as is firing a hunting rifle at a flock of birds.
I believe the Holy Spirit is leading us to understand the power that is available to us through the Spirit in ways we haven’t previously understood.
Secondly, perspective is something each of us already has. Yet God’s perspective of a subject, an issue, or an act can be vastly different from my perspective or yours. When it comes to choosing the proper weapon, perspective is essential. When it comes to ministering in the power of the Spirit, perspective is also essential. We must recognize what is and what is not the target, of course. We must also recognize where the target is to employ the appropriate aspect of power (prayer) to effectively hit the target, so to speak. The Spirit is showing us how He sees circumstances that we encounter. He is sharing how He sees with us.
Thirdly, precision has always been our hope. We have always desired to help people in precisely the way they need help. Yet how many times have we found ourselves praying “general” prayers. There is something about our spiritual “vision” that the Spirit is improving: kind of like focusing a camera lens. It has to do with not looking with the natural eyes, but with our spiritual eyes. The Holy Spirit is improving our vision to clearly see what is needed.
I see this development as a blessing meant for the entire body of Christ to assist us in ministering to the multitudes heading toward our churches in the revival that is already underway and accelerating. Prove me wrong.
A wise friend once said, “We’re all swimming in the same water.” Which means that those of us in the same pond experience cool weather, floods, droughts, and warm weather together. Since you’re swimming in the same water that I am, these things are available to you, too.
Be encouraged! You can have whatever you ask in Jesus’ name.
This thing that I’ve tried to describe seems to be deepening with use. I’m eager to see where it leads. Isn’t Jesus incredible?
If I’ve left you with questions, reach out. I love to talk about Jesus.
Peace on the Path
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