Like many of you, I’ve grown beyond weary at the sad condition of American culture, which is increasingly marked by moral bankruptcy, nonsensical logic, depravity, contempt for righteousness, animosity toward Christ, lascivious activities in all strata and corners of public life, low value of human life including those of children, and even open worship of demons and Satan himself.
Public figures, including elected officials, openly, brazenly lie on record with ever increasing frequency. School systems, unionized and independent, programmatically indoctrinate and recruit the children entrusted to them. Some to a particular political platform, some to demonic doctrines, some to even worse things. Social networking and the internet in general provide the means for predators to identify innocent children, target, and locate them. Men masquerading as women brutally beat them in the name of competitive sport. The role of women in society, the role of men in society, the role of the family in society are under severe, methodical, orchestrated attack. Though I could continue, I prefer not to weary the reader before presenting what is in fact a hopeful post.
The onset and maturing of the conditions mentioned have been under way for decades. More important than when they began is how and what will end them. And, for God’s sake, when will that be? The quick answer may be October 12th. I believe in my heart that this date could well mark a spiritual victory even greater than that of ending the world at war through much of the first half of the 20th century.
The conditions we suffer today have true global reach and impact. As the West goes, so goes the world they say. And make no mistake, the culture war underway in Western civilization is just as deadly as a world war. Not simply ending human lives, as a world war does, but also ending the sanctity of the family and family structure, the place from which human life is birthed and nurtured to produce healthy, happy, loving human beings. If our circumstances are allowed to continue uncontested, rather than progress, the world as we know it would rapidly descend from widespread civilization to boundless barbarism, as has already begun. Progressive-ism is mislabeled as are most of the programs sponsored by the Father of Lies.
The conditions mentioned above, and many more, are bi-products of demonic doctrines and activity in people and organizations. Unfortunately, large organizations, like government and education, and multinational businesses. All these organizations impact society for the better, or worse depending on their policies, practices, and goals. It has become apparent that many such organizations have been compromised to some degree or another by organized darkness – demons.
Lou Engle, (, of A Million Women on the Mall, understands the correlation between demonic policies and activities, and the demons that work through willing and even unwilling individuals to promote them. He’s organized a massive event by calling for a million women, he calls them “Esthers”, (, to fast and pray together on the mall in Washington, DC on October 12th. He’s also calling a million men, “Mordechai’s”, and he’s asking all their family, friends, church members, plus Christians the world over to fast and pray October 9th through October 12th in support of these women. I believe he is God’s man for the mission. Please do check out both the web addresses mentioned above. He has much of importance to say to the Body of Christ which is very, very helpful.
It may be a long time before another such opportunity presents itself, if ever. The opportunity to peacefully achieve spiritual victory of the magnitude necessary to end the onslaught of darkness in our halls of justice, our schools, our entertainment, and even in our churches is awesome and incredible. The opportunity may never present itself again. This point in time, October 9th through 12th, is too good an opportunity not to capitalize on. To prevail, the Church, (the whole church, or as much as can be mustered), must fast together, pray together in unity, and repent as one. We need to do it sometime, why not now? I can only imagine how costly it could be to our generation and those to who follow us, if we fail to participate in this incredibly significant juncture in space and time. Even if it fails, it is worth doing. Frankly, I don’t believe anything done in faith can fail. Will the Son of Man find FAITH on the Earth?
This is our opportunity to repent for ourselves, our nation, our churches, and cry out for the mercy of the Living God to come like a tidal wave. I’ll be fasting and praying October 9th through October 12th. I hope you’ll join me and the million women on the mall, the million men, and the body of Christ throughout the Earth praying as one to end the reign of darkness over mankind once and for all. Though it may not end the battle entirely, this event may mark the day the tide reversed, and the Church assumed her true role making straight the paths of the Lord for the coming of Christ. I can’t help believing that this event, like a few others that have preceded it, will shape the way the Church of Jesus prays and governs together in this world for the years ahead. Something new, indeed.
If you have already determined to fast and pray during this time, I thank God for you. Please post something on social media confirming your participation. You may have friends or family who haven’t heard about this or haven’t seen the significance.
If you’ve just decided to participate, thank you and thank God! Please post something to social media and do let me know as well. I will try to host some kind of communication platform either on social media, web site, or text, so we can encourage one another during the fast and celebrate the milestones along the way.
Thanks for taking the time to read a long post. You are a significant and important member of the family of God and I yearn for your partnership in prayer.
Stuart Gurnea
Ps: For detailed historic and contemporary insight concerning the correlation between demons and the activities mentioned above, see:, by Jonathon Cahn.
4 responses to “Why I Will Fast October 9-12”
Yes, I will be fasting
Thank you, Barb! God bless you!
We are fasting and praying for our country, our children and the world.
Thank God! And bless you Jolyn!